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Links to more information
In addition to resources below, you can check out our links about specific illnesses and disabilities.
Publications & websites
Information on living with a chronic illness or disability
- Dealing with a Health Condition - This is a helpful article from
- Going to an Occupational Therapist - This is a helpful article from
- Physical Therapy - This is a helpful article from
- Wheelchairs - This is a helpful article from
- Band-Aides and Blackboards (Copyright © Lehman College) – Go to this site to read stories from other teens who are living with chronic illnesses or disabilities. You can also submit your own story, art, or poetry and read about how to talk about your illness or disability and how to handle teasing.
- Brave Kids – This site lets you play interactive games and chat with other teens about how their lives have been affected by chronic illness or disability.
- Chronic Illness Resources for Teens (Copyright © Dartmouth College) – Check out this site to read stories about how other teens have learned how to deal with their chronic illness.
- ILRU Directory of Centers & SILCs (Copyright © ILRU) – Centers for independent living are nonprofit corporations that can provide assistance to people with disabilities. Click on your state to discover the services offered in your area.
- International Resources Online for Teens (Copyright © Mobility International, USA) – Having an illness or disability doesn't have to prevent you from traveling and experiencing other cultures. Check out this site to learn about overseas exchange opportunities.
- Kids' Quest on Disability and Health – Do you know someone who has a chronic illness or disability? Check out this site for answers to common questions you may have about living with an illness or disability.
- Meeting the Challenge – Not everyone has it easy when it comes to doing physical activity — but if you're facing a challenge, it doesn't mean you can't be a superstar. Check out how athletes overcome physical challenges to make it to the top!
Planning for life after high school
A Student's Guide to the IEP (Copyright © NICHCY) (PDF - 457KB) – This guide explains what an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is, why you need to be part of your IEP team, and how to start writing your IEP.
- Benefits Planning (Copyright © NCWD) – Youth with disabilities may qualify for some form of government assistance programs based on disability, income status, or both. Make sure you are receiving the help you are entitled to.
- College: You Can Do It – This guide for students with disabilities discusses preparing for college and getting the most out of your college experience.
- National Center for Education Statistics Kids’ Zone – Do you want to learn fun facts, play games, and find colleges? Check out the online magazine on this site.
- State Transition Resources (Copyright © Regents of the University of Minnesota) – This website lists the resources that each state offers youth to help transition from adolescence to adulthood. Look for your state and take advantage of the programs it offers!
- Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities –This website explains the rights of students with disabilities who are planning to get an education beyond high school. It talks about how to work with your school to make accommodations for you and what to do if you think your school is discriminating against you.
Transition Planning for Adolescents with Special Health Care Needs and Disabilities: Information for Families and Teens (PDF - 659KB) – This guide offers tips for teens getting ready to transition into adulthood in the areas of education, healthcare, employment, and recreation.
Transitions (Copyright © KASA) (PDF - 131KB) – This article offers helpful tips for taking more responsibility for your health and daily life.
- – This website was built to help you plan for the future. What will you do after high school? Will you work? Go to college? Live in a place of your own? By using this website, you can plan for your future right now!
- Ability Online
- Adolescent Health Transition Project
- Family Village
- Kids As Self Advocates
- National Center on Secondary Education and Transition
- National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth
- National Youth Leadership Network
- Office on Disability
- Partners for Youth With Disabilities
- Starlight Children’s Foundation
- The George Washington University HEATH Resource Center
- The Sibling Support Project
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Content last reviewed July 24, 2013
Page last updated December 26, 2014