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Why do some girls get bullied?

a sad looking girl.

Unfortunately, there are many reasons a girl may be bullied. These include the following:

  • Being “different” in some way
  • Being either overweight or very skinny
  • Going through puberty earlier or later than other girls
  • Having or doing things that the bully is jealous of
  • Being richer or poorer than the person who bullies
  • Seeming like someone who won’t fight back
  • Having an illness or disability
  • Having low self-esteem
  • Having a food allergy
  • Being new to a school
  • Being gay or thought to be gay
  • Not having many friends or seen as hard to get along with
  • Being seen as not very smart or as much smarter than others

Here are some stories of girls being bullied:

Amy was insulted because of the clothes she wore. Amy was too shy to answer her bully. Her shyness may be why the bully chose to pick on her.

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Keisha didn’t have a lot of friends, but she had a good friend who was a guy. A bunch of girls told people she had sex with him, which wasn’t true.

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Fatima wore a hijab (Muslim headscarf) to class. There were not a lot of Muslim kids in her school, and other kids laughed at her.

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Whatever the reason, bullying is always wrong. No one deserves to be treated badly. Still, it can be hard to speak up against a bully. Girls sometimes think that reporting a bully is not cool. But protecting yourself and others is important and shows great strength. You can learn ways to deal with bullies and ways to prevent bullying at your school.

If you are being bullied because of your race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or certain other categories, special laws may protect you. If you think this is happening, you might work with an adult to learn more about bullying and the law.


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Content last reviewed April 15,2014 
Page last updated August 24, 2018
